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Dev Continues

Still working hard on fixing bugs in the game…. Multiplayer has been the focus for weeks now and a few data paths are finally clicking into place.  A lot of debug output and log comparisons still todo…. but it should be solid enough for release very soon!.

I will have a Single Player focused update with new Crafting / Kitchen / Final Meal / Pray to Ratatosk systems pushed soon to the live branch!

These new systems are cool and give meaning to most of the items / objects in the game.  It also allows the player to control the spiraling difficulty at lower levels.

In the meantime, if you are into hardcore dark metal – and Squirrels:  [ai generated @ suno.com] – this was the original idea in my head… can’t believe AI Gen can do this!   If I could I’d hire a band to proper write / record.

Nearly died laughing when this was generated: